Supported Independent Living (SIL)

What is Supported Independent Living?

Supported independent living (SIL) is the support provided to assist you in your day-to-day living as independently as possible.

Our Disability Support Mentors can provide one-on-one or shared support for a range of activities across a 24 hour 7 day a week arrangement. We will design a plan with you, helping you to identify what you want and need from supported independent living, helping you to identify, plan for and achieve your goals.

ISA can support you with a wide range of care needs and we specialise in providing complex levels of support.

Our aim for SIL is to work with you to build and maintain your independent living skills in the comfort of your own home.

Our mentors can assist you with a range of tasks, including:

  • Assistance with daily living tasks such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and grocery shopping
  • Personal care, including showering, oral hygiene, dressing and toileting
  • Medication management, including storage and administration of medication.
  • Support to organise and attend appointments
  • Assistance in lifestyle activities, such as engaging in your favourite hobbies, meeting new
    people, and connecting with your local community
  • Support you with skill building across independent living skills and other life skill areas which are of interest to you.

We can assist you in a SIL arrangement in a variety of settings, this can be in your own home, one we provide for you, one that you share, or one provided though another organisation.

Request for Service

To make a service request enquiry, please complete the following form.